● Fixed Price: US$1,000 per Participating Share
● Participating Shares are available for subscription both during and after the Initial Offer Period
Up to 5% of Subscription Amount
Subscribers for Participating Shares may be required to pay a subscription fee of up to 5% of the subscription amount. This fee is calculated based on a percentage of the investment made.
Payment to Investment Manager
The subscription fee will be paid to the Investment Manager. The fee serves as compensation for the Investment Manager's services and expenses related to managing the investments.
Discretionary Waiver or Reduction
The Investment Manager has the authority to waive or reduce the subscription fee, either for all subscribers or in specific cases. This allows for flexibility in certain situations.
Minimum Initial Investment: US$100,000
The minimum initial investment per subscriber for Class SP2-A Shares is set at US$100,000 (exclusive of any subscription fee). The Directors have the discretion to waive or reduce this amount, either for all investors or in specific cases.
Statutory Limitation: Regulatory Requirements
As long as the Company is registered under section 4(3) of the Mutual Funds Act, the minimum initial investment cannot be less than US$100,000 (or its equivalent in the relevant Dealing Currency) (exclusive of any subscription fee). This limitation is imposed by regulatory requirements.
Minimum Subsequent Subscription: US$50,000
For Class SP2-A Shares, the minimum amount of any subsequent subscription is set at US$50,000 (exclusive of any subscription fee). The Directors have the flexibility to determine a lower minimum amount, either generally or in specific cases.
Redemption Option: After Lock-up Period
Shareholders can choose to redeem their Participating Shares on any Redemption Day after the Lock-up Period expires.
Redemption Notice: Submission and Deadline
Shareholders must submit a completed Redemption Notice to the Administrator by 5:00 p.m. (HK time) on a Business Day at least one month before relevant Redemption Day.
Minimum Holding: Directors' Discretion
If a Redemption Notice would result in the Shareholder holding less than the Minimum Holding, the Directors may partially redeem up to the Minimum Holding or redeem the entire holding of Participating Shares.
First Issued, First Redeemed
Participating Shares will be redeemed on a "first issued, first redeemed" basis within the relevant Class.
Redemption Price: Based on NAV
The Redemption Price of a Participating Share will be based on the Net Asset Value per Share of the relevant Class as of the Valuation Day just before the Redemption Day.
Additional Proceeds: Unused Equalisation Credit
If an Equalisation Credit paid at the time of subscription remains unused, the redeeming Shareholder may receive additional redemption proceeds.
● No Redemption Fee: No additional charges for redeeming Participating Shares.
Limitation of Redemptions: Exceeding Redemption Gate.
Priority and Carrying Forward: Handling unsatisfied Redemption Notices.
Directors' Expectations: Deferrals based on legal compliance or Shareholder protection.
Limited Deferrals: No more than three consecutive Redemption Days.